Homelessness inquiry

An inquiry into the growing issue of homelessness across Victoria began in Bairnsdale on Monday.

It was the first in a series of regional forums.

The Legislative Council’s Legal and Social Issues Committee has identified family violence as the number one reason women become homeless…

The committee Chair, Fiona Patten, the regional hearings would help the committee better understand the challenges facing people in regional Victoria who endure homelessness or provide services to people who are homeless.

“It’s important for the committee to hear firsthand about the circumstances in regional communities. We want to learn about their specific needs and how we can best respond to them,” Ms Patten said.

“It might mean we have to smash the system a bit.”

Ms Patten said she hoped the committee would find solutions to the homelessness crisis.

“I believe the solution is there, within the community, but it will probably take some courage.”

“What we do know is that homelessness is a result of issues such as family violence, unemployment, alcohol and drug addiction and mental health,” Ms Patten said.

“So how do we stop people from becoming homeless.”

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