Mildura MP Ali Cupper Changes the Game Again

Joint Media Statement:

Fiona Patten MP Member for Northern Metropolitan
Ali Cupper MP Member for Mildura

Hailed as a ‘new coalition of independent women’, and in a move sure to change the way politics is done in Victoria, Member for Mildura Ali Cupper will now represent Reason in the Victorian Legislative Assembly and take on the role of Deputy Leader to Fiona Patten MP.

The history-making move will see Ms Cupper have a say on all legislation passing the state’s Legislative Council and become the party’s spokesperson on a wide range of issues including Regional Development, Agriculture, Transport Infrastructure, Roads and Road Safety as well as Regional Health and Sport.

“This is yet another game-changing move from one of the state’s most innovative and hardworking representatives,” said Reason Leader Fiona Patten. “I couldn’t be happier to welcome Ali to our team and help her advocate for the people of Mildura and Northern Victoria more widely. This is ‘Reason for the Regions’.”

Ms Cupper says the move will give her a larger voice to advocate for her community, in what is one of the state’s largest and most remote electorates.

“Reason takes the best conservative ideas and the best progressive ideas and melds them together,” said Ms Cupper. “In my view, they represent exactly what a modern, regional city is.

“My community knows me as an Independent. Essentially nothing will change in that regards. My coalition with Fiona and Reason will simply mean the Mallee region will have a greater say in matters that effect everyone in the state.

“It’s good to have friends and aligning with another independent woman with similar values – those of evidence, facts, science and compassion – just makes sense to me.

Ms Cupper and Ms Patten have reached agreement on a structure that will allow the newly aligned MPs the opportunity to continue to assert their independence – even if it means voting differently from time to time.

“Who says that politics has to be done the same way as the major parties?” said Ms Patten. ”Why can’t Ali and I have a coalition of Reason but still retain our independence as well? It is up to us to decide how we approach the task of better advocating for change.”

Ms Cupper said she was looking forward to playing a part in shaping how legislation could better work for people in the regions.

“Reason’s vote in the Victorian Upper House has been crucial, time and again, in deciding whether important legislation becomes law in this state,” Ms Cupper said. “They have been able to use that key vote to forward a platform of what is wonderfully described as ‘radical common sense’. Mildura will now be central in helping decide what our state looks like into the future.

Ms Patten and Ms Cupper will hold their first official Reason Coalition Parliamentary meeting on Monday afternoon at state parliament and even though it is the last sitting week of the year, both MPs say they plan on hitting the ground running.

“Important legislation is up for debate in both houses of state parliament,” said Ms Patten. “I am excited to be working with Ali on a range of issues that are in front of us right now.”