‘It should be lifted’: Key crossbencher backs calls to remove curfew

By Noel Towell, Henrietta Cook and Michael Fowler
The key crossbench MP who guaranteed the Andrews government’s state of emergency powers wants Melbourne’s curfew lifted, as retail groups lobby for night-time restrictions to be scrapped.
Reason Party upper house MP Fiona Patten has told The Age that the curfew should go.
“If there are no health benefits to the curfew, then it should be lifted. Victorians need to see progress, we need to know that our sacrifices are having an effect.
“People need to feel we are moving from stage four to like a stage 3.7 and so on as we go through this process. If we can’t travel more than five kilometres and all businesses are shut, what is the problem with someone walking the dog or having a jog in the evening?”
Read full article on The Age’s website.