MEDIA STATEMENT: road laws for medicinal cannabis

Reason Leader and Member for Northern Metropolitan Region, Fiona Patten, today took the first step to amend our road laws, so that medicinal cannabis is treated the same as every other prescription medication.


Ms Patten today sought to amend the Transport Legislation Amendment (Better Roads Victoria and Other Amendments) Bill 2018, to include new driving laws for medicinal cannabis.


She said the effect was simple – to treat medicinal cannabis in the same way as any other prescription medication under the Road Safety Act.


“We have people in desperate need of medicinal cannabis treatment who are reluctant to use it, for fear of being caught driving with traces in their system,” Ms Patten said.


“No one is permitted to drive while impaired, or drive under the influence – however people taking other prescription medications in accordance with their prescriptions are free to drive as long as they don’t put others at risk.


“The same should apply to medicinal cannabis.”


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To organise an interview with Fiona Patten, please phone Kaitlin Bartlett directly.


Media Contact: Kaitlin Bartlett

Phone: 0432 294 500
