Medically Supervised Injecting Centre works – but Government must extend operating hours

Friday February 22, 2019


Reason Leader Fiona Patten MP is urging the Andrews Government to extend the operating hours of the Medically Supervised Injecting Centre in North Richmond, in light of ambulance data reported today.

The data, which shows ambulance call outs for North Richmond, revealed the number of callouts halved when the injecting centre was open – 8am – 7pm weekdays and 9am – 5pm on weekends.

Ms Patten said the data was obvious evidence that the injecting centre works, but it must be open for longer to cater for the vast array of people presenting there for help.

“We raised this with the Government last year, and the community is getting increasingly frustrated with the current situation,” Ms Patten said.

Ms Patten said the limited hours of operation at the injecting centre were having a negative effect on the amenity.

 “The clientele using this facility are not just using drugs during work hours – and sadly they are using publicly in the streets when people are visiting this vibrant multi-cultural area for dinner, when residents are coming home from work and want to take the kids for a walk, or take the dog to the park for a run,” she said.

“We’ve had a number residents’ contact our office who are becoming increasingly frustrated that the centre isn’t doing what they hoped it would do.

“There are still needles in the street, public drug use and sadly, overdoses.”

Other injecting centres have responded to this by extending their opening hours – the one in Kings Cross, Sydney is open until 9:30pm, while one in Vancouver, Canada is open until 4am daily.  

“What we know is ambulance callouts dropped in the first six months of the Medically Supervised Injecting Centre opening, it has helped thousands of people, it has saved people from overdosing and has connected drug users to other drug services, including Hepatitis C treatment and mental health counselling,” Ms Patten said.

“But we can do more, and this facility must be opened for longer hours.”


Ambulance Victoria call out data for drug-related cases in North Richmond 




To organise an interview with Fiona Patten, please contact Kaitlin Bartlett directly.

Media Contact: Kaitlin Bartlett


Phone: 0432 294 500