New bill proposes medicinal cannabis users be allowed to drive with low levels of THC in system

Alex White, Herald Sun
A new law could allow people taking medicinal cannabis to be able to drive a car while medicated in Victoria.
Currently, anyone taking cannabis for medical reasons cannot hit the roads at all, effectively rendering them unable to drive a car.
However, in a new push Reason Party Leader Fiona Patten has put forward a bill that people with a valid prescription will be able to drive a car with low levels of THC in their system.
“It is important to note that the average medicinal cannabis patient in Victoria is a 55yo woman,” Ms Patten said.
“We stigmatise medicinal cannabis in Victoria unfairly.
“The effect of this Bill is simple – to treat these medicines, prescribed by a doctor, in the same way as any other prescription medication under the Road Safety Act…
Read full article on the Herald Sun’s website.