‘New voices’: Reason Party comes to NSW to revive push for assisted dying laws

By Caitlin Fitzsimmons

Two of the country’s minor political parties will join forces and merge in NSW in a bid to put assisted dying laws back on the legislative agenda.

The 1800 state members of the Voluntary Euthanasia Party have voted overwhelmingly to become the NSW branch of the Reason Party, originally founded as the Sex Party by Victorian upper house MP Fiona Patten…

“There was pretty much unanimous support from the members of the Voluntary Euthanasia Party to join Reason but I’m not sure we would have had the same response had our name still been Sex Party,” Ms Patten said.

Ms Patten said the merger made sense for the Reason Party because it did not have a branch in NSW, while Voluntary Euthanasia had been established for years.

Read the full article on The Age’s website.