Notice of Motion

MS PATTEN — to move — that

1. this House notes that the current prohibition model in relation to cannabis products is failing;

2. a select Committee of seven Members be appointed to inquire into, consider and report, no later than Monday, 2 March 2020, on the legalisation and regulation of adult use cannabis products, in particular —


(a)  changes to the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 to permit lawful cultivation, distribution, use and possession of cannabis;

(b)  an assessment of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Cannabis Regulation) Bill 2019;

(c)  the effects on, and any conflicts with, Commonwealth legislation and how these may be resolved as a result of legalising cannabis for adult use in Victoria;

(d)  the best regulatory framework for the sale and levy of cannabis in Victoria, in particular —

  • (i)  an assessment of models from international jurisdictions that may be adapted for Victoria;
  • (ii)  the economic impacts of legalising cannabis on the state of Victoria;

(e)  an assessment of suitable road rules, including an examination of models from international jurisdictions that may be adapted for Victoria; and


3. the Committee will consist of two Members from the Government Party nominated by the Leader of the Government in the Council, two Members from the Opposition nominated by the Leader of the Opposition in the Council, and three Members from among the remaining Members in the Council nominated jointly by minority groups and independent Members; and

4. a majority of the Members appointed pursuant to paragraph (3) will constitute a quorum of the Committee;

5. the Chair of the Committee will be a Member of a minority group or an independent Member and the Deputy Chair will be a Member of the Government Party;

6. in addition to exercising a deliberative vote, when votes on a question are equally divided, the Chair, or the Deputy Chair when acting as chair, shall have a casting vote; and

7. the foregoing provisions of this resolution, so far as they are inconsistent with the Standing Orders and Sessional Orders or practices of the Council will have effect notwithstanding anything contained in the Standing or Sessional Orders or practices of the Council.

[Notice given on 6 March 2019 — Listed for 2 days].