THE AGE | ‘Outrageous’: Calls to rip up Crown’s $200m compensation shield

By Patrick Hatch

The Andrews government is facing calls to step in and stop Crown Resorts from claiming up to $200 million in compensation if the findings of the state’s royal commission result in changes to how its Melbourne casino can operate.

With the inquiry focused on the extent of the gambling harm carried out Crown’s Melbourne casino, commissioner Ray Finkelstein has raised grave concerns about the manner in which the company deals with gambling addiction…

Reason Party leader and Upper House MP Fiona Patten said the state parliament should move to amend the legislation to void the compensation clause.

“If Crown has behaved in manner that is in direct contravention of their casino licence… then they shouldn’t be eligible for a single cent in compensation under this agreement,” she said.

“It would take a lot of chutzpah, I would think, for Crown management to even contemplate attempting to even bring it up given the current situation they find themselves in.”

Read the full article on The Age’s website.