Police dig their heels in as Victoria driving reform hits road block
Police opposition has dented immediate hopes in Victoria that medicinal cannabis patients could soon be free from prosecution if they test positive to random roadside drug tests.
But despite the setback, campaigners remain confident that driving law reform will still get across the line in the next few months.
Hopes of reform soared last October after Reason Party MP Fiona Patten tabled a bill calling for legal medicinal cannabis to be treated as other prescription medications.
Patten remained upbeat this week, telling Cannabiz: “I still have confidence we’re going to get there in the next couple of months.
“The taskforce was one part of the process and the Government is now exploring the issue [following the taskforce report] so it’s about keeping the pressure on.
“I believe it’s a matter of when and how it’s going to be done, not if.”
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