Press Release – Mandatory sentencing is dumb on crime

Leader of the Australian Sex Party and Northern Metropolitan MP Fiona Patten has called out Matthew Guy’s dumb on crime approach, saying his priorities are skewed.
“We are already jailing people in record numbers, but that hasn’t stopped crime going up. So why does Matthew Guy think more of the same will magically reduce crime?
“Since 2004, under Liberal and Labor Governments, Victoria’s prison population has grown by more than 67% and the latest crime figures show crime has gone up by 10%,” said Ms Patten. “It’s clear that simply jailing more people isn’t working.”

Ms Patten said politicians need to shift focus and be smart on crime.

“The Victorian Ombudsman’s report Dropping off the Edge found half of Victoria’s prisoners come from 6% of Victoria’s postcodes. Unemployment and family violence are key problems in those areas. That’s the best place to start if we want to reduce crime,” said Ms Patten.

“Instead of tackling the real issues, Matthew Guy just wants to spend more money on prisoners.

“It costs more than $105,000 a year to jail someone. Under the Liberal’s sentencing plan that translates into minimums of half a million to more than $2 million for each new prisoner with absolutely no evidence to show it will reduce crime. It’s simply a waste of money.

“Now there is going to be a race to the bottom to see who can come up with the harshest prison sentences.

“Spend the money where it needs to be spent – on jobs, education, reducing domestic violence and diversion programs that are proven to work. Being smart on crime is how we reduce crime.”

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