Reason Party leader Fiona Patten pushes forward with four-day work week talks

Millions of dollars could be pumped back into the state budget if Victoria moved to a four day work week, preliminary costings have shown.
Now Reason Party leader Fiona Patten has called on the Victorian government to trial a four day work week with the view to implementing it across the entire public sector.
Ms Patten has requested a meeting with Treasurer Tim Pallas to seek his support in moving the idea forward…
“If the trial is favourable, the State Government could roll it out right across the public sector – which accounts for around 11 per cent of the Victorian workforce,” she said.
“The implementation across the public sector would generate a flow on effect to the private sector.
“It would be a boon for workers, as companies strive to compete to make themselves attractive to workers, you can’t put a price on time with your kids.”
Ms Patten said flexible working conditions during the coronavirus pandemic had shown the Victorian workforce was adaptable…
Read the full article on the Herald Sun’s website.