Statement from Fiona Patten MP | Vaccination Proof a Fair Part of Anti-Covid Efforts – but must be temporary, flexible

The use of proof of vaccination to permit those fully inoculated against COVID-19 to socialise locally and travel widely is the potential cause of community concern and unrest. 

The Reason Party – a party based on civil liberty – acknowledges and shares some of the disquiet about privacy, equity, data security and efficacy. 

We believe, on balance, a system leveraging the national vaccination database is valid, though. 

It should be temporary, part of the effort to get vaccination levels to the point where the community is effectively protected. Such measures are then redundant. 

The pandemic has starkly illuminated inequities – at the international, national, regional and local level. It is crucial to get the sufficient proportion of the population vaccinated as soon as possible. 

This looming issue would not be nearly as potent had the Federal Government not so poorly prepared and executed the national vaccination program. 

Delta is infecting many young people, and those younger than 16 are not included in the policy, so the proportion of the population required is well below 70 per cent. 

The percentage calculations would be more reassuring were they to factor in the entire eligible population. 

The issue is further muddied by the delta mutation’s virulence; even those fully vaccinated can carry a viral load and unknowingly infect others. 

Vaccines reduce infection, hospitalisation and death. 

Getting vaccinated as soon as possible is a community responsibility. I am pleased to report that my entire staff is either fully or partly vaccinated. Me too.