It’s Time to Pill Test…and to Party!

Fiona Patten MP, Leader of the Reason Party is calling for pill testing trials in Victoria.

Fiona Patten’s policy for 18 month trial of front of house pill testing in Victoria would cost $400,000 according to costings provided by the Parliamentary Budgets Office.

“If the trial only saves one person from serious injury, this policy will have paid for itself” said Ms Patten.

Ms Patten said “How many more people need to die before the major parties listen? We saw the tragic death of two students at the Defqon.1 festival this year and that may have been prevented had there been pill testing at the event. It is time for Victoria to take a stand and say yes to pill testing. I hope our pill testing party will give the other political parties the nudge they need to support a trial of pill testing”.

Pill testing can not only prevent persons from ingesting a dangerous or deadly substance, the service model will be based on LOOP who operate in the UK, where anyone using the service will be obliged to undertake a 15-minute interview with a health care professional and receive advice on reducing harm from drugs.

Tomorrow, Friday 9th November, Fiona Patten is holding a pill testing party as a show of community support for pill testing. The event will be attended by Harm Reduction Victoria who will demonstrate how a multi-use pill testing device is used (on a legal substance). Single use pill testing kits will also be on show at the event.

Fiona Patten’s Reason Party is also calling to legalise and regulate cannabis and decriminalise personal drug use. The combined costing of these policies is expected to increase the state’s budgeted net position by $349.3 million.

Ms Patten said “The war on drugs is a complete failure. Australia keeps trying to arrest its way out of it and it is wasting money, time and most sadly lives. At Reason, we are calling for sensible, evidence-based drug law reform that focusses on treating drug use as a health issue not a criminal one.”
