“Tipping Point” for Catholic Church

By Remy Varga

📷: George Pell (centre) has been sentenced to six years’ jail on child sex abuse offences. Judge Peter Kidd (top right) handed down the sentence today as a victim of sex abuse (top left), media (bottom left) and victim support group members (bottom right) watched on from outside the court.


Reason Party leader Fiona Patten said while it was disappointing the sentence wasn’t longer, she believed today represented a tipping point for the Catholic Church.

“I’m pleased there is a term of imprisonment and I think we can all take some comfort from that, but I think it is disappointing that that sentence is not longer.”

“I think there will be many survivors who are desperately disappointed today. Today we heard boos and cheers. Just the fact Pell has been brought to justice will be a tipping point to how the church responds to sexual abuse.