Vaping ban divides the community

By Tamara Clark

The City of Melbourne has unanimously passed a motion proposing a ban on e-cigarettes and vaping in selected areas throughout the city.

The move comes after councillors voted in favour of a motion to amend council’s local law to align with the Tobacco Act 1987 by including vaping using an e-cigarette at the Future Melbourne Committee meeting on May 5…

…However, the move by the council has been met with widespread criticism from many in the community, with Reason Party leader Fiona Patten stating, “vaping isn’t smoking” and that councillors were misinformed about vaping. 

“I am concerned that the council has been misinformed on the issue and that a ban will do more harm than good,” she said. “The council needs to listen to what the experts are saying – that vaping is a significant help for those trying to quit.”

“There is no reasonable case for banning vaping on health grounds as there is no evidence of risk from passive vaping. The UK Royal College of Physicians, which have been a leader in research on this issue, agreed declaring that so far there is, ‘no direct evidence that passive exposure is likely to cause significant harm’.”

Read full article on CBD News.