Victoria launches sex work inquiry, a move towards decriminalisation

By Noel Towell, Farrah Tomazin and Sumeyya Ilanbey
Victoria has taken its first step toward decriminalising prostitution, launching an inquiry into the laws around sex work to be led by crossbench state MP Fiona Patten.
Consumer Affairs Minister Marlene Kairouz announced on Wednesday morning that the review will cover commercial brothels and escort agencies, massage parlours and street prostitution.
If the review recommends that sex work be decriminalised, Ms Kairouz said legislation would be introduced to Parliament for decrminalisation…
…Ms Patten, herself a former sex worker, said this was an opportunity for Victoria to lead the nation in identifying “progressive, forward-thinking” ways to address the industry that is still grappling with stigma.
“I feel very privileged to have this opportunity to look at this,” Ms Patten said.
“[Reforming the sex industy] has been my bread and butter work for the last 25 years, so I think to have the opportunity to work with [Ms Kairouz’s] department, to be able to have these conversations with the sex industry … I’m very pleased to be able to do this.”
Read the full article on The Age’s website