Victorian Anti-Vaxxers Are Spamming Politicians With Pseudo-Legal Emails

Cam Wilson

An increasingly organised online COVID-19 denialist, anti-vaccine group is spamming Victorian politicians’ inboxes with pseudo-legal emails to try stop public health measures.

Online activist group Reignite Democracy Australia (RDA) is encouraging its followers to send hundreds of emails that they incorrectly believe will force politicians to oppose extending Victoria’s current state of emergency period.

RDA, led by Monica Smit, opposes vaccines, lockdowns, masks, COVID-19 testing and has even branched out into arguing against a gay conversion therapy ban — all based on conspiracy theories and misinformation.

But the letters are having an effect: annoying politicians and their staff. A staff member for cross-bencher Fiona Patten told Gizmodo they had received hundreds of emails since mid-February.

“They aren’t achieving anything except making our jobs more difficult, as we miss actual emails that need to be responded to,” they said via email.

Read the full article on Gizmodo’s website.