Victorian government’s reluctance to fix ‘overwhelmed’ contact tracing system cost lives, inquiry says

An inquiry into Victoria’s contact tracing regime has found the state government’s reluctance to concede errors meant it wasn’t up to scratch when required.

An inquiry has found the Victorian government’s reticence to overhaul its overwhelmed contact tracing regime cost lives during the state’s deadly second wave of coronavirus.

The scathing assessment from the Legislative Council Legal and Social Issues committee comes in a 260-page report tabled in the Victorian parliament on Monday…

Despite these shortcomings and others, Ms Patten said she believed lessons had been learnt by the government, with the new and improved contact tracing regime now able to deal with up to 15,000 test results a day.

“We are now far better prepared should Victoria face a similar situation in the future,” the chair wrote…

Read the full article on SBS’s website.