Victorians urged to wear face masks after health advice changes

Alex White and Shannon Deery, Herald Sun
Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Victorians in lockdown are being urged to wear masks if they can’t physically distance when in public.
The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) now recommend all Victorians in metropolitan Melbourne or Mitchell Shire to wear a mask if unable to socially distance outside.
The Australian Medical Association has adopted a similar stance.
There has been significant debate about the benefits of mask use, but the advice has changed this week as Victoria’s coronavirus tally has spiralled out of control…
Reason Party leader Fiona Patten called on the government to change Victoria’s public health advice on masks.
“The evidence says that face masks work, so in line with the Reason Party’s evidence-based approach, I am joining health professionals urging their increased use in public”, Ms Patten said.
“Wearing a mask is a major harm reduction tool, it simply makes sense,” she said…
Read the full article on the Herald Sun’s website.