Victoria’s opportunity to decriminalise sex work

By Dr Hilary Caldwell and Dr Zahra Stardust
UNSW academics argue that the review into sex work could result in positive changes to the working conditions for many sex workers.
As the Victorian Government conducts its review into the regulation of sex work, the push for decriminalisation is accelerating across the country. With the recent vote to decriminalise sex work in the Northern Territory and with it being twenty-five years since NSW partially decriminalised, Victoria is now in a unique position to improve the health, rights and safety of sex workers in the state. Headed by Member for Northern Metropolitan Region Fiona Patten, the six-month inquiry is the first large-scale review of sex work legislation in Victoria since 1985.
Fiona Patten MP who is heading the inquiry says, “Victoria has the opportunity to lead and design a regulatory system that meets the needs of a 21st century industry. A model of decriminalisation that incorporates what we know as best practice”.
Read full article on The National Tribune’s website.