Victoria’s virus tally and toll grow as stoush brews over state of emergency plans

Victoria’s coronavirus cases have bounced back from Monday’s low, with 148 new infections confirmed on Tuesday.
The state’s death toll has also climbed further, with eight more deaths.
Victoria has now lost 438 lives to the pandemic – although Tuesday’s toll is the lowest in several days. Australia’s national COVID toll is 525…
State Opposition Leader Michael O’Brien was quick to state the Coalition would vehemently oppose a long-term extension.
That means the Labor government will have to win the support of four upper-house crossbenchers for it to become law. Three – Reason Party MP Fiona Patten and Liberal Democrats MPs David Limbrick and Tim Quilty – have already indicated they’ll block the current proposal.
“An extra 12 months in a state of emergency is an overreach,” Ms Patten said.
“These powers should not go unchecked. The government should re-work their proposal and come back to the crossbench with a three or six-month extension.”
Read the full article on The New Daily’s website.