Bell Street Bridge

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Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (12:50): (1753) My constituency question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety and relates to the Bell Street bridge in Coburg. Local residents have welcomed recently announced traffic-calming treatments at this location but remain concerned about pedestrian safety.

Their concerns include: footpaths that in some places are narrower than 1 metre in width, contrary to Australian safety standards; no separation between the bridge footpath and traffic; and slope guttering that makes the kerb easy for cars to mount.

Slip lanes at both ends of the bridge are extremely dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists, and unfortunately the slip lane at Bell Street and Elizabeth Street was the site of a Coburg High School student being hit by a car last year.

With these issues in mind, my constituents ask: will the minister facilitate an urgent full technical review of these identified risks?


Fiona Patten MP
Leader of Reason
Member for Northern Metropolitan Region
Constituency question 7/4/22




Answered: 3 May 2022

I thank the Member for Northern Metropolitan Region for her question and acknowledge her ongoing advocacy regarding the Bell Street Bridge.

Last year, the Department of Transport (DoT) met with representatives from the City of Moreland, City of Darebin, Coburg High School, and several other community members including from the Safe Access over Bell Street Bridge for Everyone (SABBE) group. The feedback covered issues related to the safety of people who walk over the Bell Street Merri Creek bridge and at nearby intersections on Bell Street at Nicholson Street and Elizabeth Street.

In March 2022, DoT delivered treatments on Bell Street between Nicholson Street and Elizabeth Street to encourage a lower speed environment and raise awareness of the presence of pedestrians. These, in conjunction with the reduction in speed limit (from 70km/h to 60km/h) that was implemented in 2015, will help to create a safer road environment for all road users. It should also be noted that the City of Moreland is engaging with the community on improvements to the nearby Harding Street pedestrian bridge over the Merri Creek located south of Bell Street and the bridge at Connolly Avenue to the north of Bell Street, which some people may find to be more suitable alternative options to walk around the area.

A safe transport network with options for people to move around is a priority of the Andrews Labor Government. I have asked DoT to continue to work with its road safety partners (including Victoria Police and Council) to monitor the intersection and to investigate what further safety improvements can be made as part of a future works program.

The Hon Ben Carroll MP
Minister for Public Transport
Minister for Roads and Road Safety