Broadmeadows train station
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (12:24): My question is for the Minister for Suburban Development, Minister Leane, and it relates to Broadmeadows. Broadmeadows train station is rated 245th out of 249. It is dark, it is dangerous, it is covered with graffiti, and it is really symptomatic of the whole of the precinct of Broadmeadows. We have got the shopping centre and we have got the train station, and it is in desperate need of development. I was at a terrific volunteer event out there on the weekend, and volunteers do not want to come to events in the evening because the precinct is dark and it is not connected to the train station. While I understand he is not the minister for train stations, I am wondering if the minister can give me any indication of whether there are any plans for suburban development for the Broadmeadows central district.
The DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Minister Leane, do you wish to take that?
Mr LEANE (Eastern Metropolitan—Minister for Local Government, Minister for Suburban Development, Minister for Veterans) (12:26): I will get in first: I am the Fat Controller.
Members interjecting.
Mr LEANE: Interjections—I beat you all to it. Ms Patten is correct in saying that I am not the minister for that particular infrastructure, but in saying that—
Members interjecting.
The DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Sorry, can we hear the minister’s answer, please.
Mr LEANE: I am doing my best. In saying that, we have had a program as far as a revitalisation board in Broadmeadows goes. I have been really lucky to see some of the outcomes of that particular board. I was really proud of that board recently when they allocated close to $900 000 to Brite. It is a group that employs a lot of people with disabilities. Part of Brite has a nursery which that board, with the leadership of Frank McGuire, allocated, like I said, close to a million dollars to, which means they can employ about 14 more people with disabilities. There are a number of other activities, particularly around some of the public housing. There is a project to beautify the central part of it—a garden with fruit linked with a social enterprise.
I have got to say that the Broadmeadows train station has been something that the board has brought up, so I think you are not out of whack with a lot of other people around that particular project. I am happy to see if I can get any further information given that it does not necessarily fall in this role. I really appreciate the question from Ms Patten as I think this might be the first question I have ever had as the Minister for Suburban Development; I could be corrected if I am wrong. I think suburban development does some fantastic work in supporting good people that are doing a lot of good work in our community, so thank you.
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (12:28): Thank you, Minister. I am pleased to offer that inaugural question to you. Broadmeadows missed out on the Big Build as well, so our social housing and public housing out there is just in desperate need, but again I know you are not the minister for that. By way of supplementary, could I ask that you advocate on behalf of Broadmeadows, as part of that suburban redevelopment, for the train station to be upgraded? From what I heard on the weekend they have been told it will be upgraded in 2052, so if I could ask you to advocate for an earlier start date.
Mr LEANE (Eastern Metropolitan—Minister for Local Government, Minister for Suburban Development, Minister for Veterans) (12:29): Thank you, Ms Patten. As I said, and I appreciate your advocacy for me to put my advocacy towards that particular project. It is not out of step with what that revitalisation board has asked me to do, so I am happy to do that. I am not too sure about that—was it 52?
Dr Cumming: 25 would be nice.
Mr LEANE: I am not too sure about that; maybe 25 would be nice. But I am happy to get my head more around that particular process and get you any details. Like I said, I am really proud that we have had a revitalisation board, and I can tell you the member for Broadmeadows has been very, very passionate in advocating for investment in Broadmeadows.
Fiona Patten MP
Leader of Reason
Member for Northern Metropolitan Region
Question without notice 8/6/22