End-of-life choices
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) — My question is to the Minister for Health represented by Minister Mikakos. It is becoming clear that the tragic death of an elderly couple in Rosebud last Wednesday was a murder-suicide. While investigations by Victoria Police continue, what we do know is that both the victims, who were in their 80s, had been battling long-term serious illnesses and were dealing with constant pain and suffering. If this government needed any more convincing that we urgently need to put in place laws to give Victorians the right to a peaceful and gentle death, then this is it. The horrific scenes that confronted police and neighbours have shocked Mornington Peninsula residents and thrown entire families into the depths of grief. When will the government respond to the end-of-life choices inquiry report handed down earlier this year that recommended legislative change to allow for a dignified death?
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) — Thank you, Minister, for a very comprehensive answer. I think in noting that answer it is encouraging to hear that a number of the recommendations that were made by that committee as an outcome of that very intensive inquiry are being met, so my final question is: will you meet our final recommendation, which is to implement legislation to allow for physician-assisted dying in Victoria?