Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (12:06): My constituency question today is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. I have had representations from constituents in relation to the roundabout on the corner of Gilbert Road and Henty Street in Reservoir. In the immediate vicinity of this roundabout are three schools, a childcare centre, assisted accommodation, a sports recreation oval and of course a shopping strip.
This is an extremely busy area of Reservoir, and there is no way for pedestrians to cross the roundabout safely. Families who access local childcare centre Great Beginnings find it incredibly difficult to cross the road with small children and prams in tow. In the interests of community safety, will the minister direct her department to commence an assessment of traffic conditions surrounding Gilbert Road and Henty Street, Reservoir, including advice on where a pedestrian crossing might be built?
Fiona Patten MP
Leader of Reason
Parliament of Victoria
Constituency question 4/5/21
Gilbert Road and Henty Street in Reservoir are classed as local roads and are both managed by Darebin City Council. I am advised that the Department of Transport has shared the Member’s question with Council; the Member may also wish to direct their question to Council directly.
The Hon Ben Carroll MP
Minister for Public Transport
Minister for Roads and Road Safety