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Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (12:37): My constituency question is for the Minister for Agriculture. My constituent, a greyhound owner, has a question on behalf of the thousands of greyhounds in my electorate—ruff! Under Victorian law greyhounds must be on a leash in public areas, making it very difficult for owners to responsibly give their beloved speedsters some freedom to run. My constituent points out these restrictions are a little rough. Well over 1000 former racing greyhounds are adopted out every year through the Greyhound Adoption Program, with that number steadily increasing. Given the growing popularity and specific needs of this beautiful breed, will the minister work with Greyhound Racing Victoria and local councils in my area to identify sites which will comply with the Victorian law and fund more enclosed slipping tracks, similar to the one in Orchard Parks, for greyhounds to get the exercise they love?

Fiona Patten MP
Leader of Reason
Member for Northern Metropolitan Region
Members statement 19/2/21