Social Enterprise Employment

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Ms Patten (Northern Metropolitan) — My question is to the Minister for Families and Children, representing the Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing. The Australian Sex Party has previously called on governments at all levels to do more to ensure that employment opportunities are provided to those in our community who find it hardest to secure work for a range of reasons. People with a disability and older Australians who may suffer from diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia are often overlooked by the business sector even though they are able to contribute to our society in a meaningful way.

I understand that the Minister for Local Government has convened a mayors advisory panel that is looking at ways to help people with a disability seek work opportunities with social enterprises, and that is great. Beyond the government’s work with local councils, what is the government doing to ensure that work opportunities are provided for people with a disability and older Australians, whether it is with social enterprises or business, particularly in the Northern Metropolitan Region?

I thank the minister for her answer. I wonder if she could also ask the minister to outline what new funding has been made available for social enterprises, again particularly in the northern metropolitan area, and what the government plans to do in the coming term to further the work opportunities for people with disabilities and older Australians.