Water Pipes
My question is to the Honourable Steve Herbert representing the Minister for Police.
The Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment Bill 2011 came into effect on 1 January 2012.
This Bill banned the display, sale and supply of cannabis water pipes and components. This has impacted constituents in my region of Northern Metro, as restricting sale of water pipes has meant that people have had to resort to plastic bottles, rubber hoses, PVC, aluminium or foil to smoke cannabis, which all give off toxic fumes when hot.
In 2014 the ACT banned the display of water pipes but not the sale. This approach is more in line with the principles of harm reduction that underpin our National Drug Strategy.
Will the Minister consider bringing our legislation in line with harm reduction principles by following the ACT, where the display of such pipes is not permitted but sale to adults is legal?