E-Petition Tabled – Voluntary Assisted Dying

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Legislative Council electronic petition:

The petition of certain citizens of the state of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council the findings put forward in the cross-party Legal and Social Issues Committee report on its inquiry into end-of-life choices that:

(1)   assisted dying already occurs within and outside medical settings without necessary safeguards;

(2)   with lawful assisted dying unavailable, people often die in violent or disturbing ways;

(3)   there is no moral distinction between refusing or stopping treatment and providing assisted dying; and

(4)   public opinion favours legalising assisted dying.

The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council support the proposed Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill or any other bill that allows people diagnosed with a terminal illness, whose suffering cannot be alleviated, to die with the dignity they choose.

By Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (1101 signatures).

Laid on table.

Ordered to be considered next day on motion of Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan).