Environment Protection Amendment (Container Deposit Scheme) Bill 2018 – Second Reading Debate [unread]

Home » Environment Protection Amendment (Container Deposit Scheme) Bill 2018 – Second Reading Debate [unread]

This speech was not read as Fiona’s duties as deputy acting President precluded her from contributing to the debate.

I rise to make a short contribution to this Bill.

A Bill that amends the Environment Protection Act 2017 to establish a container deposit scheme for Victoria in order to promote recovery, reuse and recycling of empty beverage containers.

A container deposit scheme has the support of a significant Majority of Victorians (84 per cent). It is a concept long familiar to South Australia and is commencing in New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia. As Mr Davis mentioned earlier, it was even a previous policy of the Victorian opposition; Mr Mulino has indicated that the Government is not opposed to these broader policy aspirations.

Evidence from 47 jurisdictions around the world suggests that it can save money, reduce landfill, reduce litter and reduce Co2 emissions.

Given the challenges our councils currently face as a consequence of waste import restrictions to China, it seems like an opportune time to thoroughly revisit how we recycle in this state – including container deposit.

I recently met with Minister D’Ambrosio to raise matters with respect to textile and battery recycling and I think that in broad terms, a container deposit scheme has equal merit.

The criticisms that I have heard voiced today, relate really to the details, not the principle. Timing, transition and logistics are all issues that can be worked through.

Where we have agreement in principle, I simply ask, why not work to iron out the details, instead of dismissing the proposal outright?