
  Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (18:05): (2122) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Police, and the action I seek relates to opioid overdose. As the minister is very aware, there was a recent sizeable seizure of fentanyl coming in via a Melbourne port. As we all know, the potential to dramatically heighten the…

Opioid replacement therapy

  Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (18:20): (2100) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Health and the action I seek pertains to pharmacotherapy. Methadone and buprenorphine are used in the treatment of opioid dependence, and on International Overdose Awareness Day I think it is really important to note their life-saving and life-changing potential. The…

Fashion industry

  Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (18:14): (2075) My adjournment matter is for the Assistant Treasurer, and the action I seek relates to government procurement. Recently I visited Etiko clothing in Brunswick on Sydney Road. It is part of our office’s ‘F*** fast fashion’ campaign. The campaign is highlighting the unsustainable textile waste in Australia, and…

Chronic pain

  Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (2067) Incorporated pursuant to order of Council of 7 September 2021: My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Health and relates to chronic pain. One in five Victorians are affected by chronic pain. Nationally over 3 million Australians live with chronic pain, which results in more than $73 billion in…

Eating disorder strategy

  Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (20:55): (2041) My adjournment matter relates to eating disorders and the lack of an eating disorder strategy. We know that an eating disorder is a serious mental illness and we know that it is characterised by a whole range of issues, whether that is behaviours and attitudes to food and…

Medicinal cannabis driving

  MS PATTEN — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety): Incorporated pursuant to order of Council of 7 September 2021: My adjournment matter is for the minister for road safety and relates to medicinal cannabis. Last week the Premier posted on social media that medicinal cannabis ‘helps the…

Pill testing

  Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (17:53): (1968) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Health and relates to drug checking. It was only a short while ago that I asked a question without notice of the minister with respect to the coronial inquest into the tragic death of Mr S, who died on 28…

Alcohol and other drugs workforce

  Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (18:01): (1945) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Health, and the action I am seeking relates to Victoria’s Alcohol and Other Drugs Workforce Strategy. This strategy sets the direction for workforce development and planning for Victoria’s AOD sector, but it is from 2018 to 2022. So it has…


  Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (17:34): (1903) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Health, and the action I am seeking relates to endometriosis. Endometriosis is an under-recognised disease that affects the wellbeing of so many. It is an inflammatory condition that most commonly strikes the reproductive organs, but it is also frequently found…

Worker screening act 2020

  Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (17:45): (1875) My adjournment matter is for Minister Stitt, and the action I am seeking relates to outright discriminatory provisions built into the Worker Screening Act 2020 related to NDIS worker screening. Under the Worker Screening Act the secretary must refuse to give NDIS clearance on an NDIS category B…


  Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (20:10): (1827) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Health, and the action I seek relates to endometriosis. March is Endometriosis Awareness Month, so it is a great time to amplify the push for adequate care for women suffering from this under-recognised disease that undermines the wellbeing of so…

Hydromorphone trial

  Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (19:44): (1790) My adjournment matter is for the Treasurer. The action I am seeking is funding for a hydromorphone trial as part of the upcoming May budget. Hydromorphone is an intervention that breaks the nexus between heroin addiction and crime and refocuses chaotic lifestyles away from trying to score drugs…

Menstrual champions in schools

  Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (17:50): My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Education, and the action I am seeking today is for the minister to establish a menstrual champions pilot program in schools. It is really quite a straightforward idea. Nominated teachers are appointed menstrual champions for students to visit when they are…

Women’s health

  Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (1719) Incorporated pursuant to order of Council of 7 September 2021: My adjournment matter is for the Treasurer, and the action I seek is that he fund women’s health programs delivered by the Royal Women’s Hospital for a further three years. These programs are funded on a short-term basis and…

Transitional housing

  Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (18:08): My adjournment matter is for the Treasurer. The action I am seeking may not be popular. I am asking that he forgo some land tax. As chair of the homelessness inquiry, I was really privileged to hear so many community organisations talk about initiatives for solving homelessness. As we…

Hemp industry

  Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (1618) Incorporated pursuant to order of Council of 7 September: My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Agriculture and relates to hemp. The National Farmers Federation has set a target of $100 billion farmgate production by 2030. The current production level is just above $60 billion. The director of CSIRO agriculture…